Beech wood, polished with shellack
This magnificent wood vessel, masterfully turned fromsycamore to nearly 1/16th of an inch in thickness, represents a feat most turners are unable to accomplish. Merete is a true master of her material as she composes adeep, dramatic and bold work of art. Colorseems to transcend through the body of the vessel as itsexquisite statement uplifts the soul.Its delicate, yet grand volume and disposition are stunning to behold.Merete extracts elegance and unparalleled composition. The organic lure of the wood, through its barrs and grainsecho the beauty of its mother material. Quite an exceptional piece to admire in space as it everlastingly touches the heart.
8.59" (22.50cm)height of vessel
6.10" (15.50cm) width of vessel
One of a kind
Red Spalted Beech Wood Vessel